Use a mix or 3 equal parts -1 part Coarse Perlite, 1/3 Orchid potting mix (not coarse) and 1/3 high quality potting mix in equal proportions.
If you are in a hot dry area make your mix heavier by adding organic material or a Premium potting soil to retain moisture longer.
If you are in a cool humid coastal area you may want to make your mix lighter by adding more perlite or orchid bark.
Mix must drain quickly. If water poured into the planter does not run out the drain holes in 30 seconds, it is too dense.
Choose a pot that suits the cutting size, around 12 - 15cms in diameter. Leave room beneath the cutting so it has room for roots to grow and spread.
lf you re-use pots, wash, disinfect and rinse well.
Lastly, DO NOT use clear pots. Direct sunlight on moist patting mix in clear pots can create dark green algae which can badly affect root growth and the health of the plant.

DO NOT PLANT - it is wise to let the ‘cut’ callous over by placing it in a cool, dry place for about 7-10 days. The callous reduces the chance of bacteria attacking the cutting which can cause it to rot.
If you see a brown dust on the cutting you receive from us, it is Cinnamon dust, which I use to help the cut to dry and to protect the cut from bacterial infection.
When placing the cutting in a pot, hold the cutting in place and add SLIGHTLY DAMP (not wet) mix until the cutting stands up. Plant to the depth of the 'SOIL' mark on the cutting. Stake and tie if necessary. Do not compress the potting mix.
Keep the cutting in a cool, dimly lit location for about 4 weeks and DO NOT ADD WATER. Adding water before the roots have started can cause the cutting to rot. The cutting must grow roots in search of water for it to survive. If you water the cutting in this time, you may cause it to rot.
After 4 weeks or so, you can tell if the cutting is taking root by gently tugging on it. If there is resistance Its roots are taking hold and you can give it some water. Do not water again until potting mix is dry or almost dry. Use a moisture meter to detect when it is dry. You can buy them for less than $15 from Bunnings or a local plant nursery.
After the cutting has taken root, locate the pot in a semi-shaded area, preferably receiving morning sun. If the cutting is in the open it can experience frost or too much sun, it may . It may then burn and die, so keep it out of direct sunlight.

You can pot immediately with damp loose potting mlx. Do not compress the potting mix or you may crush the roots. After around 7 days, you can water as normal.
Locate the pot in a semi-shaded area, preferably receiving morning sun. If the cutting is in the open it can experience frost or too much sun, it may . It may then burn and die, so keep it out of direct sunlight.