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When buds go yellow and die…

Updated: Nov 15, 2023

Why do some buds go yellow?

Every spring we get so excited about the buds growing on our Epiphyllum hybrids, promising to sprout into wonderful multicoloured blooms!

but then .. some birds begin to turn yellow along the neck of the flower (pedicel) and start to wilt.

Why does this happen?

1. Buds begin to grow in spring as the temperatures increase in the days provide more sunlight. Mother nature, then steps in with a curveball and hits us with a cold snap. Temperatures plummet and then our bugs begin to wilt, turn, yellow and die.

2. Second reason is lack of water. Growing buds, need nutrients and water, so the soil needs to be moist. So try not to let the soil dry out or many of your buds will drop and end up on the ground.

3. Be sure not to overwater. Too much, water is as bad as no water and the plant will abort the buds.

4. Sometimes the plant is just too enthusiastic and produces too many buds for it to sustain, then as some develop, it will abort some buds to give others a better chance of life. These will turn yellow and fall off.

Have a wonderful spring, and I wish you many many wonderful blooms !

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